Supple S-shaped headpiece – the latest Dy’on innovation for the US Collection bridles. This S-shaped headpiece is an improvement on the model that you used to know. The difference? The S shape has been accentuated and the browband sits lower down on the headpiece so as not to hug the base of the ear – one of the sensitive spots on your horse’s head.
Accentuating the S shape also makes it possible to espouse the contour of the base of the ear without exerting pressure on it.
US Jumping Collection: US01A
Originally intended for the North American market, its aesthetic with cream stitching and steel buckles has seduced our customers worldwide.
We have therefore decided to expand this collection and offer you our bidlework models already appreciated by the greatest number.
You will find 5 popular bridles, 1 double bridle, 4 breastplates and a selection of reins and accessories.
All the spare parts are also available to meet the demand for customization and Bridle Fitting.
Made the pure English tradition, this collection is equipped with our new S-shaped headpiece.
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